Community Outreach Program at
Ludhiana Christian Medical College and Hospital

Home Health Education by Nursing Students
Several statistics highlight the tremendous need for accessible health care services in India. Infant mortality rates and life expectancy are two measures of the level of health care services in a country.
Country United States India
Infant Mortality 6.26 30.15
(death of infants under one year old per 1000 live births)
Life Expectancy – Men 75.6 63.2
Women 80.6 63.2
Ratio of Doctors to Population 1: 350 1: 1722
The Ludhiana Christian Medical College and Hospital (CMC) has integrated a vital
Community Outreach Program into the training of doctors, dentists, and nurses as a means of delivering health care services to the villages around Ludhiana in northern India. During the Mission Ambassadors trip to Ludhiana CMC in March 2011, we visited several urban and rural medical clinics where villagers can receive inoculations and basic medical care.

Nursing Students
We tagged along with student nurses who visit villagers’ homes to interact one-on-one with people who have little access to any other health care providers. During the home visits nurses share health information on topics such as balanced diet, HIV prevention, contraception, immunizations, and clean water.
The village clinic and hospital in Malerkortla is located in a building that was formerly used as a school. A local Muslim businessman provided the funding to refurbish the building as a small hospital. He partners with Ludhiana CMC to have doctors and medical students visit on a rotating basis to provide medical care to the residents of Malerkortla.
At the rural clinic of Lalton Kalan, nursing students live at the complex for two weeks at a time because of the distance from CMC. They travel by bicycle into the village to meet with families, provide health care assessments, and answer questions. We observed nurses meeting with family members in their courtyard while two water buffalo tied up just a few feet away kept a wary eye on the visitors.

Rural Home Health Visit on Bicycle
CMC owns two large vans equipped with dental equipment that are dispatched to dental camps around northern India.

Mobile Dental Clinic Headed Out To Villages
CMC holds dental camps 10-12 days each month where dentists and dental students provide a variety of free dental services including X-rays, extracting teeth, and making dentures. Often the dental care a villager receives at a CMC dental camp is the first time he or she has ever seen a dentist.
Ludhiana Christian Medical College and Hospital places a strong emphasis on community health care. The urban and rural clinics provide a valuable training opportunity for student doctors, nurses, and dentists. Many CMC graduates recognize the importance of community-based health services and dedicate their careers to meeting the needs of the poor and underserved throughout India. Ludhiana CMC’s mission is to provide health care to all whether they are able to pay for services or not. Through their community outreach efforts, CMC students and staff are following the example of Jesus Christ to heal the poor and sick.