About Us
Our story starts way back, in the year 1881
The Christian Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana is an educational and research institution of an all-Indian character established and run by the minority Christian community. Its primary aim is to educate and train Christian men and women as health professionals, in the spirit of Jesus Christ for the healing ministry of the Church in India. However, like many other Christian educational institutions, this college also offers educational facilities to other young men and women irrespective of religion, caste, and community.
Through education in this college, the Christian Church seeks to make a significant contribution to the health standards of all communities of our nation with special emphasis on health care in the rural underserved and unreached areas/communities in India.
The Medical Missionary work was started in Ludhiana in the year 1881 by the Greenfield sisters, Miss Martha Rose and Miss Kay Greenfield. They were Evangelists and Educationalists from Scotland. This pioneering medical work of the Greenfield sisters was the precursor of the Medical Training and Health Care Service Programme of the present Christian Medical College, Ludhiana.
The Greenfield sisters and their associates organized the Health Care Educational Services in which endeavour Dr. Edith Mary Brown joined them in 1893 and in 1894 the North Indian School of Medicine for Christian Women was started by Dr. Edith Mary Brown and her colleagues with the object of training Indian nationals particularly the women, to serve in the field of Medical Education and Health Care Services, emphasizing the integration of training and health care services.
The period from 1894 to 1952 has been an epoch-making era which saw the landmark of development from its beginning as a School of Medicine for Christian Women to Women’s Christian Medical College until 1952 when the name was changed to Christian Medical College to enable it to admit both men and women students for the upgraded MBBS course which came into effect for its first admission from 1953. The College was affiliated with Punjab University, Chandigarh. The Medical School granted LSMF diploma till 1952. Since the College was upgraded to M.B.B.S in 1953, more than 2000 candidates have graduated and are serving in different parts of India & the world.
The Christian Medical College is situated on a large campus not far from Ludhiana Railway Station, on both sides of the Brown Road. The Campus has residential quarters for the staff, hostels for medical, nursing, and paramedical students, both men and women. The College maintains 775 Hospital beds. Our national medical and para-medical teaching staff and other staff come from nearly every state in India. The Government of India and Punjab have continued their interest and support in the work and the development of the college and its hospital.
The Christian Medical College is recognized by the Medical Council of India. Since July 1999 the College is affiliated with Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot, Punjab. Ludhiana, one of the old-established cities of Punjab, with a population that has increased during recent years to around 20,00,000 lies 300 km north-west of Delhi and less than 150 km from the border with Pakistan. It is situated on the Grand Trunk Road running from the border through to Delhi and is an important railway junction. Today it is one of the fastest-growing small and medium industrial centers in India.
Our story starts way back, in the year 1881
The Christian Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana is an educational and research institution of an all India character established and run by the minority Christian community. Its primary aim is to educate and train Christian men and women as health professionals, in the spirit of Jesus Christ for the healing ministry of the Church in India. However, like many other Christian educational institutions this college also offers educational facilities to other young men and women irrespective of religion, caste and community.
Through education in this college the Christian Church seeks to make a significant contribution to the health standards of all communities of our nation with special emphasis on health care in the rural underserved and unreached areas/communities in India.
The Medical Missionary work was started in Ludhiana in the year 1881 by the Greenfield sisters, Miss Martha Rose and Miss Kay Greenfield. They were Evangelists and Educationalists from Scotland. This pioneering medical work of the Greenfield sisters was the precursor of the Medical Training and Health Care Service Programe of the present Christian Medical College, Ludhiana
The Greenfield sisters and their associates organized the Health Care Educational Services in which endeavour Dr. Edith Mary Brown joined them in 1893 and in 1894 the North Indian School of Medicine for Christian Women was started by Dr. Edith Mary Brown and her colleagues with the object of training Indian nationals particularly the women, to serve in the field of Medical education and Health Care Services, emphasizing integration of training and health care services.
The period from 1894 to 1952 has been an epoch making era which saw the landmark of development from its beginning as a School of Medicine for Christian Women to Women’s Christian Medical College until 1952 when the name was changed to Christian Medical College to enable it to admit both men and women students for the upgraded MBBS course which came into effect for its first admission from 1953. The College was affiliated with Punjab University, Chandigarh. The Medical School granted LSMF diploma till 1952. Since the College was upgraded to M.B.B.S in 1953, more than 2000 candidates have graduated and are serving in different parts of India & the world.
The Christian Medical College is situated in a large campus not far from Ludhiana Railway Station, on both sides of the Brown Road. The Campus has residential quarters for the staff, hostels for medical, nursing and paramedical students, both men and women. The College maintains 775 Hospital beds. Our national medical and para-medical teaching staff and other staff come from nearly every state in India. The Government of India and Punjab have continued their interest and support in the work and the development of the college and its hospital.
The Christian Medical College is recognized by the Medical Council of India. Since July 1999 the College is affiliated with Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot, Punjab. Ludhiana, one of the old-established cities of Punjab, with a population that has increased during recent years to around 20,00,000 lies 300 km north-west of Delhi and less than 150 km from the border with Pakistan. It is situated on the Grand Trunk Road running from the border through to Delhi, and is an important railway junction. Today it is one of the fastest-growing small and medium industrial centers in India.
Mission Statement
We are a non-profit organization formed to support and promote excellence in medical education and healthcare services at CMCL for the people of Punjab and India regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, gender or age.
The Board, inspired by the legacy of the founder of CMCL Dame Edith Brown, supports the institution by financing specific state-of-the-art service and research projects and scholarships for deserving students.
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If you would like to work for an organisation making a real impact non mauris vitae erat consequat auctor eu in.