Ludhiana CMC Board USA Extending Medical Nursing Dental Education Services in Punjab, India
About us
Our Mission
We are a non-profit organization formed to support and promote excellence in medical education and healthcare services at CMCL for the people of Punjab and India regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, gender or age.
The Board, inspired by the legacy of the founder of CMCL Dame Edith Brown, supports the institution by financing specific state-of-the-art service and research projects and scholarships for deserving students.
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As per our mission, we are proud to share our accomplishments over the last few years. We have sponsored many projects such as
Provided Renal Equipment, Orthopedic Surgery Suites Renovation and Equipment, and Pediatric Neonatal Intensive Care equipment
Implemented HIMS (Hospital Information Management System) to automation the critical functionalities for the various departments
In order to encourage and promote noble cause, we are offering scholarships and encouraged Medical, Nursing and Dental students in India

Listen to Where is God Not?
When surgeon Forrest Eggleston and his wife, Barbara, arrived in India in 1953, their two children in tow, the impoverished country had only been independent for six and half years. The family’s destination as Presbyterian medical missionaries was the Lady Irwin Tuberculosis Sanatorium in the tiny village of Jubar high in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains. There, surrounded by breathtaking views, cultural mores often inimical to healing, and mind-numbing primitive conditions, Eggleston served as the medical superintendent with skill and compassion. During this period of time, he also developed a general surgical residency program at the Christian Medical College in Ludhiana, on the plains of the state of Punjab, which allowed him the particularly satisfying activity of teaching.
In a voice still filled with a sense of wonder and gratitude for the incredible adventure in which he and his family too part. Eggleston reflects on his medical mission. Although as he describes it, “We wept for the poor of India and felt helpless,” he and his dedicated staff made a vast difference in the quality of health care available on the plains and in the quality of health care available on the plains and in the mountains of North India. They offered all their patients loving Christian care, curing those who could be cured and not being afraid to be with the incurable as they died.